Who knew emergency preparedness could be this fashionable!

Shelf Reliance is the premier source for food storage, emergency preparedness, and food rotation systems.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

THRIVE™ Planner: How much food should I store?

Planning how much food storage you need for your family is a daunting task. Shelf Reliance is here to take the stress out of getting your food storage supply and customizing it to fit your family. Whether you're starting from scratch or already have some existing food storage, we'll help you get everything you need.
Since you eat what you store, we also want to help you maintain your food storage. You can modify your saved plan at any time. Keep track of the food that leaves your pantry, and we'll make it easy to replenish. Click HERE to start a free custom plan for your family!

  • store at least 1,200 calories per person per day for the first 72 hours of an emergency
  • store a year's supply of food for sustained emergencies, food shortages or quarantines
    • include easy to prepare, easy to carry food that you could take with you should you need to evacuate. MRE's, freeze dried foods in pouches or food bars are ideal)
    • Store in a cool, dry place to prolong shelf-life 
    • If not feasible to purchase a year's supply, start with a one month supply and add to it as often as you can until you have built up a year's supply. 
    • Think of your long term food storage as an insurance policy. It can be critical in an emergency and for the months following while the economy and your life regain normalcy. It can also help sustain you during individual times of need
    • Nothing can replace the peace of mind you feel knowing you can provide for yourself and your family in any situation

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      THRIVE: Convenience; Healthy; Economical; Delicious

      THRIVE: Convenience; Healthy; Economical; Delicious
      Greatest food storage system since Joseph in Egypt!

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